Table of Content



"editor.rulers": [160],

wrap attribute

// Wrap attributes.
//  - auto: Wrap attributes only when line length is exceeded.
//  - force: Wrap each attribute except first.
//  - force-aligned: Wrap each attribute except first and keep aligned.
//  - force-expand-multiline: Wrap each attribute.
//  - aligned-multiple: Wrap when line length is exceeded, align attributes vertically.
"html.format.wrapAttributes": "auto"

Vetur in vs code

html prettier

// Default formatter for <template> region
//  - none: disable formatting
//  - prettyhtml: prettyhtml
//  - js-beautify-html: html formatter of js-beautify
"vetur.format.defaultFormatter.html": "prettyhtml",

wrap attribute

// Options for all default formatters
"vetur.format.defaultFormatterOptions": {
"js-beautify-html": {
    "wrap_attributes": "force-expand-multiline"
"prettyhtml": {
    "printWidth": 100,
    "singleQuote": false,
    "wrapAttributes": false,
    "sortAttributes": false
Today I Learned